MCQ Interview Questions


                                    Q.1 What is O.S ?.

Ans – O.S Means Operating System.

OS work as an Interpreter between Computer hardware and application.

Operating system work as a user interface.

OS Ex:- 95,98,xp,win-7,win-8,10

What Are the type of Operating System Or O.S?

The Two types of operating system are:

1-      NOS: Network Operating System.

Examples of NOS – Windows NT, 2000,2003,2012


2-      SOS: Simple Operating System.

Example of SOS- Windows 95,98,ME,xp,win-7,win-10

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                    Types Of Profile ?

Ans-  1-Local Profile

         2 – Roaming Profile

1-           3-  Mandatory Profile.

         Q. What is DHCP, How its work ?

Ans- DHCP stand for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol , DHCP provide automatic IP address in the network to his client,

So that Client can communication on an ip network,

Benefit: Provide Automatic IP address no need to configure manually IP.

DHCP use DORA Process for providing IP address ------Port use-67.68

            Q. What is APIPA ?

Ans- Automatic , Private Internet Protocol Addressing Automatic Private IP Addressing.

A feature of later window OS when DHCP sever is not available and if client is unable to find the information /IP.

Then machine provide APIPA.

APIPA IP Range- to

     Q. What is DNS , How its work ?

Ans- DNS stand for Domain Name System and it used for resolve IP address to name and name to IP translation Exp - When we type any website name in url like

Then convert in to IP and when we type ip address then convert to name.

DNS Like a Phone book-

When we search any people with name then show his contact number


When we search any people with his number then show his name.

                     Q. What is IP

IP-Internet Protocol

IP is internet protocol its is a unique identifier, A way to identify machine on the network.

And IP address is representing system in to network

                IP Address is 32.

IP address consist of four section , each section is 8bit long.

Two Type of IP assignment-

1-      Static- Static IP address are manually assigned

2-      Dynamic- Dynamic IP Address are Automatically assigned by DHCP Server.

Q. what is Private IP And Public IP Range ?

Private IP Range.

Class A- to

Class B- to

Class C- to

                                                Note:- are reserved for loopback.

Public IP Range.

Class A- 1 to 126

Class B- 128 to 191

Class C- 192 to 223

Q. What is Private IP and Public IP ?

Private IP.

Connected with a LAN

Its not registered with network information center

Required router to connect with a network.

Public IP.

Connected with the internet network.

Publicly registered with network information center.

Required Modern to connect with a network.

Assigned by your IS - Internet Service Provider.


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